Zip lining through the Rainforest! ( By Elliott )

Hello, this is Elliott, and l am going to tell you about my zip line experience. I went on a series of seven zip lines, but there was one tiny one at the beginning as a practice and one at the very end that was also very small, so there were basically only five. 

The five REAL zip lines were very long and exciting. My favorite was the fifth one because it was the longest and it was named “The Big Dada”. 

I also liked the fourth one because it was the second longest and it was named “The Big Mama”. 

The only bad thing about my experience is that Wesley was not heavy enough to go on his own, so he had to go with me. His hand was in my face on the first zip line, so that is why I didn’t really like it. The view was also amazing. Well, from the second, third, fourth, and fifth at least. I couldn’t see the view on the first one. I was up like  three hundred feet off the ground! I could see the lake, the trees, and the villages. The houses 🏠 were all so small! I had a very fun time zip lining.


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