Coffee, Cocoa and Sugar Production (By Wesley)

I saw a sugar, coffee and cocoa production. I didn't know that sugar came from a plant. That was surprising. I got to turn a machine to squeeze the sugar juice out of the sugar cane stick. We got to taste the sugar juice with a little bit of lime. It was yummy.

We also got to see how cocoa is made into chocolate. They start with a cocoa thingy (I don't know it's name) and it is full of cocoa seeds. We tasted them and they were covered with white stuff. They tasted sweet and we sucked on them, but we didn't eat them. To make cocoa from the seeds, you put them in boxes for a few days [to ferment] and then you roast them to have actual cocoa. Then you take of the skin and after that it is called cocoa nibs. We ground up the cocoa nibs with hot water and spices to make a delicious chocolate drink!

We also saw how coffee is made. First it starts out as a plant that grows for ten years before making coffee beans. Then when they have the beans they take off the outside and cook the coffee beans to make coffee to drink. I got to try real coffee for the first time. It tasted bitter, but I liked it. (My Dad rote this for me)


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