World Record Elliott!!!

Our family now holds a World Record!! Elliott lost a tooth in the cockpit of a Fairchild C-123 airplane that was a part of one of the biggest scandals in the 1980’s. 

Specifically, the Reagan Administration set up a bizarre network of arms sales to Iran designed to win the release of US hostages held in Lebanon and raise money to fund the Nicaraguan, counter-revolutionary guerrilla fighters, commonly referred to as the “Contras”. When the scandal eventually came to light in the USA ("The Iran Contra Affair"), the airplanes destined for sale to the Contras were orphaned in Costa Rica because the US Government would not admit to its involvement in the sales. 

One of those airplanes is now a restaurant in Quepos, Costa Rica with the cockpit overlooking the Pacific Ocean at sunset. Our family enjoyed dinner at El Avion ("the airplane") this evening and one of Elliott's final teeth became critically loose at dinner. To commemorate the occasion, Elliott moved to the cockpit of El Avion to finish the removal of his loose tooth, officially making him the first human to lose a tooth in the cockpit in the scandalous cockpit of an Iran-Contra Fairchild C-123. We couldn't be more proud!!!

We confirmed with the longtime bartender that nobody has ever lost a tooth in the cockpit of the airplane before, so we're now in contact with the Guinness Book of World Records for official recognition of the occasion. Go Elliott!!!


  1. We couldn’t be more Proud!!!! Congrats Mr. E!!

  2. Hysterical. :) Keep us posted on the Guinness conversations! And way to go, Elliott!


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