Walk the Plank! Snorkeling from a Pirate Ship (by Elliott)

I had a great time on a PIRATE SHIP!!! I did lots of things, like have fancy food and drinks, snorkel, swim around the ship, and even JUMP OF THE PLANK!!!! I also sat on the bow of the ship. I could see the ocean and there was lots of wind and it was VERY relaxing. While I was sitting on the bow of the ship, I saw a mommy humpback whale with her baby. They were going in and out of the water and were surprisingly close to the coastline. 


When I went snorkeling, I saw lots of Sargent Major fish swimming around the surface. I even touched one of them! I also saw many other types of fish, like the parrot fish, a few sea urchins, a school of small fish, and a bunch of other fish. It wasn’t that fun though because I kept getting water in my mouth and somehow the water got into my mask and my mask filled up with water and I couldn’t see anything. I also couldn’t dive because my mask would fill with water.

The food was great, and the drinks were also good. I had rice and beans, fish, pasta salad, and regular salad. For drinks I had a mango smoothie and a coconut - pineapple drink that I forget the name of. They also gave us a fruit platter, which had mango, pineapple, watermelon, and papaya.

I was saving the best for last, though. Do you know what it is? That’s right, it’s jumping off the plank! The plank was like fifty feet above the water! It was super scary, but it was also really cool and fun. I jumped off twice, and I planned to do it more but I chickened out. Dad did it several times, so let’s give him a round of applause. You had to jump like a stick, though, because if you jumped any other way, you would get very sore. I would not recommend doing a belly flop, though! It would be REALLY painful. I had a great time on a real life pirate ship.

Life Aboard A Pirate Ship! (Exactly as it was in the olden times...)






Humpback Whale Mom & Calf!

Walking The Plank! (Again and again!...)

Snorkeling The Plank!







  1. Wow! So cool, Elliott! And I love the photos you shared! A true pirate ship!


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