Ziplining like Superman and Swinging like Tarzan (By Elliott)

Hey, it’s Elliott, and I am going to tell you how fun it is to zip line. I know that I already did a post about zip lining, but I had to do this one too because it was way better and I got some good videos with my go-pro. Half of the videos are mine, and half of them are Dad’s because he is obsessed with videos and pictures. Anyways, I liked this zip line better because there was more zip lines and they were longer. They were a bit slower than the other zip lines, but that was good because I got better videos with my go-pro.

Some Videos of our Ziplining:

There were also other thing that were not just zip lines, like a Tarzan Swing. The Tarzan Swing was just what it sounds like: a Tarzan Swing. Basically, it is a rope that you hold on to and there is a guy that pushes you. The very beginning is SOOOO scary though. You just step off a very high platform and hope that the  rope catches you. It is so fun after the first part is over though. The other thing that is not normal zip lining is the super man one. I didn’t do that one but Dad did. He says it was amazing and that it was his favorite one out of all the twenty zip lines on this trip. I had a really fun time zip lining.


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